FSX Airbus A330

FSX Airbus A330-200 Korean Airlines package

FSX Airbus A330-200 Korean Airlines package


Airbus A330-200 Korean Airlines package for FSX Fondée en 1946, Korean Air est la compagnie aérienne de la Corée du Sud. En 2015, le coréen exploite huit A330-200 et a passé commande de 7 Airbus A330 supplémentaires cette année. VC inclus. Modèle et VC par Thomas Ruth, les magnifiques textures de Sean Kneppers. Nécessite cependant FSX Acceleration ou le  SP1 et SP2. FMC de Garret Smith inclus. Sons A330 et manuel inclus. Ce zip  est de Chris Evans.

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FSX Airbus A330-300 Rolls Royce Engines Air Canada

FSX Airbus A330-300 Rolls Royce Engines Air Canada

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FSX Airbus A330-300 Rolls Royce Engines Air Canada FSX – Project Opensky Airbus A330-300 – Rolls Royce Engines Air Canada. Includes model and panel with VC. This model lacks a VC A/P and A/T. Included separate window Shift+4 for VC autopilot and mode select functions. Wing views parms included. Merged MS Airbus A3irbus A321 panel into the FS2004 A330 Posky file, including using all default gauges in VC. To install, copy included file named, « Project Opensky A330-300 » into your Simobjects/Airplanes file. This file includes a freeware Sound file – no AI sound file included. Click on gauges for enlarging MFD, PFD, ECAMS, and ECAMS lower. Created DDS files from orginial .bmp FS2004 textures with freeware program. Testing revealed you must […]

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Fsx AIRBUS A330-300 Lufthansa

Fsx AIRBUS A330-300 Lufthansa

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THOMAS RUTH AIRBUS A330-300 SERIES This aircraft is designed for use in Microsoft Flight Simulator X only. It is only compatible with FSX Service Pack 1 (SP1) and FSX Service Pack 2 (SP2). If you have not installed either Service Pack, the aircraft will not work. Original Aircraft designer: Thomas Ruth (Germany) Aircraft Repaint artist: John Hancock (United States)

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FSX FSPAP A330-200 SriLankan

FSX FSPAP A330-200 SriLankan


 I checked everything for mistakes, but i might have missed something, in that case, i will release a fix as soon as possible, check my website for update news May the force be with you Johnny Lawrence (Bozo)  

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