FSX FS2004 Mikoyan-Gourevitch MiG-15 Bis Fagot


FSX FS2004 Mikoyan-Gourevitch MiG-15 Bis Fagot

 The aircraft model is the MiG-15 Bis Fagot serial 325 used by Colonel Yevgeny PEPELYAYEV 196th IAP / 324th IAD Antung AB 1951

Aircraft works fine in FSX. All gauges in VC seem OK. Window glass is not visible but otherwise OK.

No mods. Full credit to the great talents of the creators of this wonderful aircraft.

FSX Compatible. Thumbnails added.

I found this great bird in my FS2004 collection & as it works fine in my FSX SP2 I have prepared thumbnails to make it easier for FSX users.

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Create Date10 novembre 2015
Last Updated9 février 2016


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